da DJ Pwny » 13/05/2013, 23:05
>at Michael Jackson gig
>really fucking obnoxious kid who is a total douche is crying the whole way through the show behind me
>I'm thinking how I can shut this mongoloid up
>he begins to start kicking my seat
>oh that's the fucking limit
>turn around
>the kids by himself, his parents must have left him
>decide to look after him until he finds his parents
>everyone's getting pissed off cos the kids making a racket
>some drunk chick loses it and kicks the kid
>she then kisses me
>don't know what to do so just go with it
>tells me here name is Jean and that I am the 'one'
>suddenly security guards come and drag me out of the show
>say I was causing a commotion, and that 'my kid' was annoying everyone
>but officers, I exclame
>Billy Jean is not my lover,
>She's just a girl who says that I am the one
>But the kid is not my son